Enhancing Wellness
Guided Relaxation: Calm your spirit, calm your body
Cleansing Energy Circuit: Release blockages, flourish
Cultivating Energy Circuit: Gather yourself your healing energy
Stillness: This meditation cultivates inner stillness. By quieting our thoughts, our bodies will follow.
Present Time/Inner Energy: Tranquility sits in the present moment. This meditation gently guides you into this space by grounding into the moment and into your inner energy.
5 Element Balancing: In Chinese Medicine, everything in the universe, including the human body, is composed of five basic elements; earth, metal, water, wood and fire. When these elements are in balance, you are in a state of wellness. Through creative visualization, these meditations help your body harmonize these elements.
Gold Ball Replenishing: This simple meditation collects your scattered life force and brings it back into the body and all your energy centers.
Author: Cindy Riggs
Running time: 61:19
Recommended prerequisite: Free introductory meditation
Guided Relaxation: Calm your spirit, calm your body
Cleansing Energy Circuit: Release blockages, flourish
Cultivating Energy Circuit: Gather yourself your healing energy
Stillness: This meditation cultivates inner stillness. By quieting our thoughts, our bodies will follow.
Present Time/Inner Energy: Tranquility sits in the present moment. This meditation gently guides you into this space by grounding into the moment and into your inner energy.
5 Element Balancing: In Chinese Medicine, everything in the universe, including the human body, is composed of five basic elements; earth, metal, water, wood and fire. When these elements are in balance, you are in a state of wellness. Through creative visualization, these meditations help your body harmonize these elements.
Gold Ball Replenishing: This simple meditation collects your scattered life force and brings it back into the body and all your energy centers.
Author: Cindy Riggs
Running time: 61:19
Recommended prerequisite: Free introductory meditation
Guided Relaxation: Calm your spirit, calm your body
Cleansing Energy Circuit: Release blockages, flourish
Cultivating Energy Circuit: Gather yourself your healing energy
Stillness: This meditation cultivates inner stillness. By quieting our thoughts, our bodies will follow.
Present Time/Inner Energy: Tranquility sits in the present moment. This meditation gently guides you into this space by grounding into the moment and into your inner energy.
5 Element Balancing: In Chinese Medicine, everything in the universe, including the human body, is composed of five basic elements; earth, metal, water, wood and fire. When these elements are in balance, you are in a state of wellness. Through creative visualization, these meditations help your body harmonize these elements.
Gold Ball Replenishing: This simple meditation collects your scattered life force and brings it back into the body and all your energy centers.
Author: Cindy Riggs
Running time: 61:19
Recommended prerequisite: Free introductory meditation